Health & Safety

7 Outdoor Lighting Tips To Keep You Safe This Summer

Lively parties on the patio or romantic tete-a-tetes under the trees are a huge part of what...

The Positive And Negative Effects Of Hard Water

Let's talk about water. Specifically, hard water. Did you know that 85 percent of the USA...

10 Essential Bathroom Safety Tips For The Whole Family

Did you know the most dangerous room in your house is the bathroom? More home accidents occur...

Must-Have Accessories For Deck, Patio Or Porch

The mere phrase “deck, patio, or porch” should be enough to warm the heart if you’ve...

Understanding Electrical Inspection

What is the purpose of a residential electrical inspection? The electrical inspection verifies...

13 Things You May Not Be Allowed To Do In Your Backyard

A man's -- or woman's -- home is their castle, correct? Well … sometimes. Although you...

Uses For Eggshells That Would Make Grandma Smile

My introduction to recycling happened in my grandmother's garden. Granddad was a big-city veterinarian...

Mosquito Bites: Natural Prevention And Treatment

Itchy, annoying mosquito bites can put a serious dent in your summer fun. What’s more,...